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How to Choose the Ideal Square Stern Canoe Plan

It’s always good to have a project or two every year to complete. This provides you with an interesting subject to focus on, a means to pass the time or cool off your temper and a time-proven method to increase your patience and perseverance.

Making use of square stern canoe plans may be more than the challenge you’re looking for but they’ll also provide you with greater rewards. The end product is something that not only you, but your friends and family as well, can surely enjoy. And is there a more pleasant feeling than knowing you’re sailing on a river on a boat you built with your own two hands?

What’s a Square Stern Canoe?

Is a canoe of asymmetrical proportions. It also comes with a squared-off stern that provides mounting space for an outboard motor. It is generally used for lake travel or fishing.

Square Stern Canoe Plans: Determine the Best Plan for You

There are many kinds of square stern canoe plans on sale right now. Neglecting to properly consider your purchase may cause you to end up with one you don’t like or one you can’t use.

Occupancy – How many people do you think will be using the square stern canoe simultaneously? They are capable of holding a maximum of three persons. 14″ square stern canoes are generally two-seaters only. Knowing how many people you take with you on boating trips will help you narrow down your choices for the best plan.

Methods Used in Square Stern Canoe Plans – There are various methods used in plans. Some are especially designed to help beginners build their own plans while others are only meant for users with more years of experience in building their own canoes.

Wood Strip Build Method – This kind of method can be used by beginners. Square stern canoe plans that make use of this method are also less expensive because of lower material costs. Plywood, after all, is always cheaper than old cedar.

Strip and Glue Method – This method makes use of planks of old cedar. Because it costs more to produce planks or strips of wood, plans that make use of this method are, as mentioned, more expensive. They also produce more dust since the process includes sandpapering the strips of woods.

Free Form Method – Only advanced and rule-allergic users should make use of the plans that employ this method. In free form, people need not make use of the common tools provided to help them get by from step to step. With this method, however, users may have a hard time controlling the shape of their square stern canoes and the outcome may not be that good as compared to other ones.

Full Size Drawings – Sometimes, surf canoe kits may come with full size drawings to ensure that you have everything down to pat. There’s one problem however when it comes to using full size drawings. Full scale drawings on high quality drafting velum can change in size if they are left exposed in the shop for several days. If a customer makes use of it, not knowing that it’s already inaccurate, he’ll end up with a square stern canoe with less accurate and ill-fitting proportions.

Now that you know the different types of square stern canoe plans, you should be able to reasonably figure out the best plan for your level of proficiency and temperament. Good luck on building that canoe!